
Next Steps

Congratulations! If you’ve made it to this point, you should now have a working bridge server, federation server, and compliance server, with the ability to make and receive secure, sanctioned payments on the XDBchain account.

Moving to Production

As you prepare to move your services into production and support transactions on the public XDBchain account, you should make sure to carefully check a few things:

  • Update the Horizon URL and network passphrase in your bridge server and compliance server configuration files. The bridge server will need a horizon server on the public network (instead of the test network) to send transactions. Both the bridge and compliance servers also have a network_passphrase in their configuration. The public network uses a separate passphrase:

      network_passphrase = "LiveNet Global XDBChain Network ; November 2023"
  • Ensure that your bridge server and the internal port of your compliance server are not publicly accessible. Both of these servers allow for privileged operations that could be very costly if someone can reach them when they should not have access.

What Next?

While you’ve now learned to handle the core operations of an anchor, there are many more things anchors might want to learn about or should consider:

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